Alliance RetinaIt's Simple-All Patients, All Problems, All the Time

Macular Puckers and Macular Holes

The macula is the reading area at the very back of the retina. It is a very delicate area that is highly susceptible to damage from fibrous growth on the inner surface. This surface fibrosis can contract and distort the macula or it can pull a hole in the center of the macula. Either can result in severe vision loss. These videos show how these conditions can be very successfully repaired with modern vitrectomy techniques.
Pucker Pinch and Peel 8-19

Pucker Pinch and Peel 8-19

Pucker and Pupil Phimosis

Pucker and Pupil Phimosis

Macroaneurysm and Clot

Macroaneurysm and Clot

Pucker Pinch and Peel 8-19

This video is about Pucker Pinch and Peel 8-19

Pucker and Pupil Phimosis

Macroaneurysm and Clot

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